Alert & Alive – Construction
It’s a New Year! Is your New Year’s Resolution to be Alert & Alive this year? If not, why isn’t it? There’s no time like the present to look back to see if you were accident free. If you were, Congratulations! If you weren’t, take the challenge — stay alert and stay alive this year.
This goal is achievable if you maintain a safe attitude at work. Construction can be dangerous. Each year more than 1700 deaths occur, and 200,000 construction workers are injured. The dangers change — daily, hourly, and weekly. Protect yourself and keep others safe by being alert and aware of the hazards in your work. Falls, Electrocutions, Struck-by, and Crushing incidents are the leading cause of deaths.
Having a positive attitude will help keep you safe. Doing a job the safe way is the right way. Never use alcohol or drugs in the workplace — when lifting heavy objects, lift properly and ask for help if you need it — always follow proper procedures, and it you have any questions, ask your supervisor — slay alert to changing conditions, which could include new equipment on the site, new workers in or additions to your regular crew, or inclement or severe weather conditions to name a few. Keep your mind on your work. If you let your mind wander, you could get into trouble.
Participate in your employer’s safety training program and get as much safety education as you can. A knowledgeable worker is a safe worker. Be careful around scaffolds, ladders, trenches, tools – both hand and electrical, and chemicals. Dress for the job – wear the correct personal protective equipment for the job. Hard hats, hearing protection, gloves, safety glasses, respiratory protection, safety footwear and fall prevention gear are some examples. Never bypass a safety device — always disconnect tools from power sources before adjusting or making repairs — keep your work area clean on a daily basis, don’t wait until Friday to clean up — know where emergency equipment is kept and how to use it!
The bottom line is: Stay Alert to Stay Alive this year. If you don’t, you may not be here to see the next year!
* Make it a Safe New Year *