
The Pacific Employers No Charge Monthly Educational Seminar Series

Rotating Topic Schedule

Pacific Employers hosts this seminar series virtually the third Thursday of the month from 10am-11am. 

You must be subscribed to our email blasts to receive the link to join! Call or email us if you would like to be added.

Hiring & Maintaining “At-Will”

From the thought to hire to putting to work, we discuss maintaining procedures that protect you from the “For-Cause” Trap! 

Labor Law Update

The courts and legislature are constantly “Changing the Rules” – Learn about the recent changes to both the California and U.S. laws that affect employers of all types and sizes.

Culture in Organization

Increasing Morale, Effectiveness, and decreasing turnover.


Equal Employment Fundamentals

Harassment & Discrimination in the Workplace – The seven (7) requirements that must be met by all employers. “The Protected Classes.”

Safety Programs

Understanding Cal/OSHA’s Written Safety Program. Reviewing the IIPP or SB 198 requirements for your business.

Family Leave

Federal & California Family Medical Leave, California’s Pregnancy Leave, Disability Leave, Sick Leave, Workers’ Compensation, etc.; What are the Pitfalls & How do you handle them? 

Wage & Hour and Exempt Status

Overtime, wage considerations and exemptions.

Forms & Posters as well as Contracts, Signs, Handouts, Fliers

Just what paperwork, posters, flyers and handouts does an Employer need?

Guest Speaker Seminar

Annually we bring you a speaker for a timely discussion of labor relations, HR and safety issues of interest to the employer.

Discipline & Termination

The steps to take before termination. Managing a progressive correction, punishment and termination program.

The primary presenters in the Pacific Employers’ Seminar Series will be staff of Pacific Employers, with many years experience in safety, labor and personnel matters. They will continue to cover significant areas in labor relations during the year.

2025 Sexual Harassment & Abusive Conduct Prevention Training Schedule