Tailgate Topics

Material Safety Data Sheets

    Material Safety Data Sheets, commonly called MSDS’s, have come to be very important documents. Every workplace should have readily-accessible MSDS’s for all the hazardous

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Lockout / Tagout #2

The Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) requires employers establish, train employees, and follow proper lockout & tagout procedures whenever employees are working on equipment.

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Ladders #5

Ladders are used in most types of field work. They provide us with a means of reaching locations too high to reach otherwise. They allow

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Ladders #4

Step And Straight Ladder Guidelines Most of us use ladders from time to time in our worksites, in the office, or at home. Yet few of

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Ladder Safety #3

    A ladder is a fairly simple piece of equipment. Using one safely is basically a matter of common sense. Why, then, do so many

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Ladder Safety # 2

Ladders are one of the biggest hazards of overhead work and result in many accidents. This Tail Gate Safety Topic expands on Ladders Safety – Part #2 by

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Ladder Safety # 1

    There is absolutely no reason for anybody to get hurt, disabled or killed while using a ladder. Yet it happens every single day. Somebody

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Jack Safety #1

     This Tail Gate Safety Topic deals with one of the easiest pieces of equipment to operate: the jack. Many think there is nothing more to operating

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Housekeeping #1

Fundamentals of Housekeeping An uncluttered workplace is fundamental to any worksite’s safety program. In addition to cleanliness, industrial housekeeping must include other factors, such as

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Horseplay #1

Horseplay – Only Fools Do It! Be alert don’t get hurt! Horseplay has no place on the job it usually leads to an accident. Someone decides

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